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Rooted Fall Intro Video '16 from North Church on Vimeo.

Personal Development

“I like Jesus, I just don’t like Christians” is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot. Maybe someone has said that to you before, maybe you’ve said it and maybe we have been the reason of someone saying that. A lot of people turn away from being a part of the church because they have been hurt by someone who says they are a Christian.

So many of us are Sunday morning Christians, who go on living our lives as if we’ve never heard of Jesus the other 6 days of the week. The Develop team works to inspire and teach people how to follow Jesus at every moment. We use Sundays as a connection point to get people at The Heights excited about following Jesus the rest of the week. We begin by showing people how they can become a part of The Heights community, we teach them what a daily relationship with God looks like, and we create message topics and Life Group material that finds people where they are at.

Personal Development: 

As followers of Jesus we must take an honest and active roll in our spiritual growth.  It’s a fundamental part of what it means to grow and go at the Heights.   It's not about the rules or the difference between "right" and "wrong".  We live free and honor God because of what He did for us on the cross.   

Grow up- Live set apart.  Allowing yourself to press into Jesus, living as if your story is not over

Grow Deeper- Understating that relationship you have with Jesus.  Living with a repentant heart, always facing your struggles, invite the Holy Spirit to be part of the process and seeking the lord in prayer.

Hebrews 5:12-14 says…though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. When we create a group of believers that are following Jesus with every decision they make, and a church that Grows and Goes every day, we create an environment where the people of the West Plains stop saying, “I don’t like Christians” and start saying, “I like those people from The Heights, I wonder what’s different about them. The people in our community will see Jesus Christ through us when we strive to know Him better.

3.1.15 Part 3 of 4 from The Heights on Vimeo.