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Children's Ministry

(AKA Kids Zone)

---->  What is Kids Zone?

Kids Zone is a children’s ministry uniquely designed with your child in mind! Kids birth through 6th grade experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. Let your kids join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level.

----> Who attends Kids Zone?

ALL children (babies through 6th grade) are encouraged to attend Kids Zone each Sunday. We are passionate about kids learning about Jesus in a way they can understand.

---->  Do you have Kids Zone at both Sunday services?

Yes!  Newborn through 6th grade are welcome at the 9 am service and/or the 10:45 am service.  

---->  What if I'm volunteering at one service and going to one service?  Can my kids go to Kids Zone twice? 
Absolutely!  Our teaching team works together to make sure each Kids Zone service time has some unique features, so even if your child repeats, they will not be bored.  
---->  How do I check my kids in to Kids Zone?

We make it easy for you by having one central check-in area for all kids in Kids Zone.  If you are new, you will fill out a new family form so we can speed up your check-in process the next time you come.

Each week our check-in team will sign your kids in, give you and your child a timed/dated coded label and direct you to the proper teaching/learning area(s) for your children. 

---->  Can I pre-register my family?

Yes!  Pre-register online to save time at check-in...even if you are new!  But try to pre-register by Saturday night so we can be sure to get your information into the computer system by Sunday morning.  

---->Where do I pick up my child after service?

The teaching/learning area where you dropped your child off before service is exactly where you will pick them up after service.  Your children will be waiting there for you, with Kids Zone team members available to match your label to your child's label before being checked out. 

---->  I'm a little nervous about leaving my child for the first time time.  How safe is my child?

We believe safety is extremely important as families entrust us with their children each week.  Therefore, every child's name tag is matched to a dated/timed parent-identification number.  During service if we ever have a need to check with you about your child, your unique ID number will be displayed on the large screen in the worship area so you can respond to the kids area.  In addition, feel free to check to see how your child is doing any time during the service!  When you pick up your child, we make sure to release your child only to you by matching coded name tags.

What about your Kids Zone volunteers?  Every Kids Zone volunteer is screened with an application, interview and federal background check.  We have a written code of conduct that each volunteer must agree to and sign.  So you can feel comfortable leaving your child in ou r care during the time you are at the Heights Church.

---->  Do you have different areas for different aged kids?

Yes!  Currently we have 2 different teaching/learning areas for kids and four different age groupings.

Individual environments are created especially for these age groups:

(1)  Infants/walkers (newborn up to 2 yrs old)*  

(2)  Toddlers (age 2 years up to 4 years old)* 

(3)  Early elementary [pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade] (age 4 years up to 3nd grade)**

(4)  Elementary (3rd grade through 6th grade)**


*Our infants/walkers and toddler area is currently in one location with a separate defined area for infants/walkers and toddlers along with appropriate toys and snacks for the two age groups.

**Currently our early elementary and elementary meet in the same area for the large group teaching.  Then our small group activities are split and tailored to the two different age groups but still within the same Kids Zone area.


---->  What goes on in Kids Zone?

Creative Bible teaching!  The Bible is the most amazing book ever written.  We strive to bring its stories to life through activities, drama and discussions that keep children engaged.  We want all children to love God's Word and understand the value of applying it to their life. 

Fun!  Kids love fun.  We realize that when children have fun at church, they can't wait to come back. We value creating fun ways for children to learn about Jesus. 

We can't wait to meet your child!  We believe the Bible should never be boring, that it's okay for worship to be really LOUD, and that good teachers always care.  We want each kid to see how God's Word fits into their life, to learn how to talk to Him, and to build friendships that will list.  

---->  Sounds great!  How can I be involved?  Volunteering Opportunities in Kids Zone

Does volunteering in Kids Zone sound interesting to you?  We would love to talk to you about serving in Kids Zone.  

But how much time would I have to commit?  Don't worry, we don't lock you into a long-term commitment or an every-week time slot.  Most volunteers in Kids Zone serve at one service once a month, but we will work with your schedule.   As our Kids Zone team grows in number, it allows us to be more and more flexible with the schedule.  We encourage our volunteers to "serve at one service and go to one service" but this is not mandatory.

What if I have never worked with kids before?  We know God doesn't lead everyone to work with His Kingdom Kids, and we don't expect every parent of a child attending Kids Zone to volunteer...but if God is nudging you toward serving in Kids Zone, please come and talk to our Kids Zone staff and let's work together to see how you may fit into our Kids Zone team.  

We welcome all volunteers to Kids Zone... the "experienced veteran" and the "nervous newbie" who is just dipping toes in the water! 

Yes, I want to volunteer now!   What's my first step?  If you are ready to volunteer in Kids Zone, you can click on our online volunteer application link below and we will contact you after we receive your application. 

Children's Volunteer Application